< Phone Addiction Test Step 1 of 12 8% Do you find yourself looking at your phone or using it more than you realize? Never Sometimes Often Very Often Do you try to cut down on your phone use without much success? Never Sometimes Often Very Often Do you ever feel that you lose large amounts of time mindlessly checking apps or browsing the Internet on your phone? Never Sometimes Often Very Often Do you ever feel anxious or restless when you cannot access your phone, such as when the battery has run out or you’ve forgotten it? Never Sometimes Often Very Often Do you sleep with your phone and/or lose sleep due to phone use? Never Sometimes Often Very Often Has your phone use ever interfered with your productivity at school or work? Never Sometimes Often Very Often Do you ever look at your phone in dangerous or inappropriate situations, such as driving or when crossing the street? Never Sometimes Often Very Often Has your phone use negatively affected your relationships? Never Sometimes Often Very Often Do you struggle to wait to check your phone when you receive an alert? Never Sometimes Often Very Often Do you ever feel guilty, sad, or anxious about your phone use? Never Sometimes Often Very Often Almost done! Please provide details to get results: Name Email Mobile Number HiddenScore Your assessment results suggest that there is a No Indication that you have symptoms common among people who compulsively use their phones. MantraCare can help you connect with a therapist based on your needs. Research suggests that methods such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing help improve mental health. To practice these methods, download free TherapyMantra app Your assessment results suggest that there is a Mild Indication that you have symptoms common among people who compulsively use their phones. MantraCare can help you connect with a therapist based on your needs. Research suggests that methods such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing help improve mental health. To practice these methods, download free TherapyMantra app Your assessment results suggest that there is a Moderate Indication that you have symptoms common among people who compulsively use their phones. It is important that you schedule an appointment with a therapist. MantraCare can help you connect with a therapist based on your needs. Research suggests that methods such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing help improve mental health. To practice these methods, download free TherapyMantra app Your assessment results suggest that there is a Severe Indication that you have symptoms common among people who compulsively use their phones. It is important that you schedule an appointment with a therapist. MantraCare can help you connect with a therapist based on your needs. Research suggests that methods such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing help improve mental health. To practice these methods, download free TherapyMantra app