< Avoidant Personality Disorder Test Step 1 of 11 9% Do you avoid activities at work or school that might involve you working closely with others because you fear they will criticize or reject you and your ideas? No Yes Sometimes Do you avoid making new friends unless you are certain that you will be liked and accepted? No Yes Sometimes Does it often take others several attempts to encourage you to join group activities before you will agree to participate? No Yes Sometimes In relationships (romantic or otherwise) do you find it difficult to talk about yourself and your feelings because you're afraid of being judged? No Yes Sometimes If someone is slightly critical of you, do you feel extremely hurt and withdraw from them and the situation? No Yes Sometimes Do you often feel not good enough or like anything you say will be perceived as wrong or stupid by others? No Yes Sometimes When you meet new people are you particularly conscious of being awkward, unattractive, or inferior? No Yes Sometimes Do you worry about taking risks or trying new things out of fear you’ll embarrass yourself? No Yes Sometimes Do you see potential for danger in situations that others in your life take part in without a second thought? No Yes Sometimes Almost done! Please provide details to get results: Name Email Phone HiddenYour Score Your assessment results suggest that you are suffering from Low Avoidant Personality Disorder. MantraCare can help you connect with a therapist based on your needs. Research suggests that methods such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing help improve mental health. To practice these methods, download free TherapyMantra app Your assessment results suggest that you are suffering from Mild Avoidant Personality Disorder. It is important that you schedule an appointment with a therapist. MantraCare can help you connect with a therapist based on your needs. Research suggests that methods such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing help improve mental health. To practice these methods, download free TherapyMantra app Your assessment results suggest that you are suffering from Moderate Avoidant Personality Disorder. It is important that you schedule an appointment with a therapist. MantraCare can help you connect with a therapist based on your needs. Research suggests that methods such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing help improve mental health. To practice these methods, download free TherapyMantra app Your assessment results suggest that you are suffering from Severe Avoidant Personality Disorder. It is important that you schedule an appointment with a therapist. MantraCare can help you connect with a therapist based on your needs. Research suggests that methods such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing help improve mental health. To practice these methods, download free TherapyMantra app