← Measuring Your Satisfaction Step 1 of 8 12% How well does your partner meets your needs Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never In general, how satisfied are you with your relationship? Extremely Happy Happy Good Not Good Bad How good is your relationship as compared to most? Best Better Good Bad Worst How often do you wish you hadn't gotten into this relationship? Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never To what extent has your relationship met your original expectations? Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never How much do you love your partner on a scale of 1-5? 5 4 3 2 1 How many problems are there in your relationship? None More than a few Few Lot A Lot HiddenDate MM slash DD slash YYYY HiddenScore You are Highly satisfied in your relationship. Don't doubt yourself or your partner. You have a beautiful bond which will lead to a great future ahead You are Moderately satisfied in your relationship. This is a pivotal time in your relationship. There are many strengths you can build upon, but there are also some weaknesses that need your attention. One way to start this is by building a Love Map of your partner. Need some help? MantraCare can help you to connect with a counsellor based on your needs. You are Not satisfied in your relationship. Your relationship could stand some improvement in this area. Perhaps you never had the time or the tools to really get to know each other. In either case, by taking the time to learn more about your partner now, your relationship will become much stronger. MantraCare can help you to connect with a counsellor based on your needs.