< Relationship Attachment Style Test Step 1 of 23 4% It’s easy for me to be affectionate with my partner. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I feel that my partner truly understands me. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I don’t worry about my partner abandoning me. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I feel uncomfortable when my romantic partners reveal their emotions. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I can talk to my partner about my problems and concerns. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed My romantic relationships are often shallow and lack real intimacy. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I am comfortable relying on romantic partners. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I am confident in feeling that my romantic partner cares for me. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I feel uncomfortable getting too close to romantic partners. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I worry that my romantic partner does not feel as strongly about me as I do about him/her. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I find it difficult to depend on romantic partners. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I feel uncomfortable sharing my thoughts or feelings with romantic partners. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I can go to my partner in times of stress. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I need my partner to constantly show that he/she really loves me. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed My partner understands my emotional needs. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed My romantic partners do not want to get as close as I would like. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I spend a great deal of time worrying about my romantic relationships. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I prefer not to share my deep-down feelings with a partner. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed When I am not with my partner, I worry that he/she may be interested in somebody else. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I often worry that my partner will leave me. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed I worry that once my partner gets to really know me, he/she will no longer love me. Agree Disagree Neutral/Mixed Enter following details to get the result Name Email Phone HiddenScoreFearful Attachment You were recognized with Fearful attachment styleit’s important to know that you don’t have to resign yourselves to enduring the same attitudes, expectations, or patterns of behavior throughout life. It is possible to change and you can develop a more secure attachment style as an adult.Avoidant Attachment As someone with an avoidant-dismissive attachment style, you tend to find it difficult to tolerate emotional intimacy. You value your independence and freedom to the point where you can feel uncomfortable with, even stifled by, intimacy and closeness in a romantic relationship.It is possible to change and you can develop a more secure attachment style as an adult.Ambivalent Attachment You have an ambivalent or anxious-preoccupied attachment style, you are embarrassed about being too clingy or your constant need for love and attention. You feel worn down by fear and anxiety about whether your partner really loves you. You want to be in a relationship and crave feelings of closeness and intimacy with a significant other, but you struggle to feel that you can trust or fully rely on your partner. It is possible to change and you can develop a more secure attachment style as an adult.Mantracare can help you change.Secure Attachment As someone with a secure attachment style, you manage your own stress as well as calm and soothe yourself when you were distressed. They made you feel safe and secure, communicated through emotion, and responded to your changing needs on a regular basis, enabling your nervous system to become “securely attached.”Schedule a FREE 15 mins call